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What is Bridging the Gap?

Bridging the Gap is a Temporary Contact Program which is designed to help the alcoholic being released from a treatment program or incarceration to make a successful transition into the A.A community.

Getting back to the “real world” isn’t always easy for an alcoholic. We admitted that our first days out were often challenging , and we didn’t know if we would stay sober. One of the more “slippery” places in the journey to sobriety is between the door of the facility and the nearest A.A. group or meeting.

Bridging the Gap is a program of alcoholics helping other alcoholics. We can provide a temporary contact to assist you.


What A.A. and Bridging the Gap do

  • Helps people with a desire to stop drinking find a solution to their problem

  • Helps the new member to connection to A.A. outside of institutions


What A.A. and Bridging the Gap do not do

  • Charge dues or fees

  • Operate clinics or drying out facilities

  • Provide housing, meals or transportation

  • Keep membership records

  • Practice medicine, psychiatry or nursing

  • Offer religious services

  • Offer professional counseling


Transitioning into A.A. from Treatment or Incarceration

Getting back to the “real world” isn’t always easy for an alcoholic. We admitted that our first days out were often challenging , and we didn’t know if we would stay sober. One of the more “slippery” places in the journey to sobriety is between the door of the facility and the nearest A.A. group or meeting .

Bridging the Gap is a temporary A.A. contact program to help you make the transition from treatment or incarceration into the A.A. community. Once you are discharged or released, an A.A. volunteer will contact you by phone and make arrangements to meet you at your first one to three meetings, explain the A.A. program and the importance of finding a sponsor and help get you connected into the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Please contact us and we will make every effort to reach you on the day of your release.

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